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Publications & exhibitions 

to celebrate &honor traditional folk arts and artists

Here is a sampling of images from projects when Lynn was serving as the state folklorist in Hawai`i (1983-1998) and New Hampshire (1998-2014).


A-3 Exhibits Na Paniolo O Hawaii - 1lores.jpg
A-4 Exhibits Na Paniolo-2lores.jpg

1986 - 1987: Na Paniolo O Hawai`i, Hawaiian Islands & Nevada.

Project director, researcher, curator, and photographer

A traveling exhibition representing the history of ranching in Hawai`i and the artistic traditions surrounding paniolo culture in Hawai`i including the working arts of saddle making & rawhide braiding; the decorative arts of lei and hats; and musical traditions of instrument making and song. Installation sites included: Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu; Lyman House Museum, Hilo; Kaua`i Museum, Kaua'i; Baily House Museum-Maui Historical Society, Western Nevada Museum, Nevada;

A-14 Exhibits - Trad We Sharelores.jpg

1997: Traditions We Share – Folk Arts Apprenticeship Gathering, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, Hawai`i.

Project director, curator, editor, and photographer

A three-day multi-faceted event featuring recipients of HSFCA Folk Arts Apprenticeship grants (master artists and apprentices)from the islands of O`ahu, Hawai’i, Maui, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Kaua`i, and Ni`ihau. Project included a major exhibition mounted in the community gallery of the Honolulu Academy of Arts Art Center at Linekona ; an  exhibit publication designed by Barbara Pope; a two-day professional development conference with workshops and activities orchestrated for the enrichment of traditional artists; and a public festival . 

A-19 Exhibits - Shap Heritagelores.jpg

2012: Shaping Our Heritage, New Hampshire State Library, Concord, New Hampshire

Project director, curator, editor, and photographer

An exhibit, conference, public programs and publication to celebrate 16 years of funding Traditional Arts Apprenticeships 1995-2012.


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pacific arts festival - Tahiti 1985 composite jpg.jpg

1985: 4th Festival of Pacific Arts, Papeete, Tahiti.

Administrative assistant to Chairman Gladys Brandt & crafts coordinator for Hawai`i Delegation

A Pacific-wide festival featuring cultural presentations of musicians, dancers, and craftsmen representing over 23  Pacific Island nations. Hawai`i performing delegation consisted of 24 kumu hula and ten traditional craft demonstrators.

A-6 Festivals & Special Events HI _ Smith FFlores.jpg
Folklife Hawaii.jpg

1989: Hawai`i Program Smithsonian Institution's 23rd Annual Festival of American Folklife - National Mall, Washington D.C.

Co-curator with Smithsonian curator Dr. Richard Kennedy.

A 10-day event featuring music, dance, and craft presentations of over 120 artists representing the music, dance, craft, occupational, and foodways traditions of Hawai'i. 


1990: Folklife Hawai'i - An in-state  restaging of the Hawai'i program  - Magic Island, Honolulu, O`ahu.  Festival Director.

A 5-day event featuring music, dance, and craft presentations of over 140 artists representing the music, dance, craft, occupational, and foodways traditions of Hawai'i.  School tours brought in over 5,000 children from around O`ahu.

A-16 Festivals NH _ Smithson FFlores.jpg

1999: Celebrating New Hampshire Stories, New Hampshire Program of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, National Mall, Washington D.C.

New Hampshire Curator

A 10-day event featuring over 140 individual demonstrators and performers, multiple stages and demonstration tents with crafts, music, dance, occupations, and foodways, major site enhancements, and special events.


2000: Celebrating New Hampshire Stores - An in-state restaging of the New Hampshire Program, Hopkinton State Fairgrounds. Curator and logistics.  

A 5-day event featuring over 160 individual demonstrators and performers, multiple stages and demonstration tents with crafts, music, dance, occupations, and foodways, major site enhancements, and special events.  School tours brought over 10,000 children from around the state to experience the festival.

Audio recordings

A-5 Recording-Na Mele Paniolo-cassette versionlores.jpg
A-11 Record-Musics of HI-CDlores.jpg
A-12 Record-Clyde Sproat Sings-CDlores.jpg
A-13 Record-Na Mele Kupuna-CDlores.jpg
A-17 Record-Choose Your Partners-CDlores.jpg
A-18 Record-SongsSeasons-CDlores.jpg
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